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#解析Object.prototype.toString.call()进行数据类型判断| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]". 2.If the this value is null, return "[object Null]". 3.Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the this value as the argument. 4.Let class be the value of the [[Class]] internal property of O. 5.Return the String value that is the result of concatenating the three Strings "[object ", class, and "]".

翻译: 1.如果this的值为undefined,则返回"[object Undefined]". 2.如果this的值为null,则返回"[object Null]". 3.让O成为调用ToObject(this)的结果. 4.让class成为O的内部属性[[Class]]的值. 5.返回三个字符串"[object ", class, 以及 "]"连接后的新字符串.

查看Jquery就会发现,jquery就是是通过Object.prototype.toString.call还判断对象的类型的,那究竟如何做呢? 我们先来了解一下call方法:

function a(){ this.aa=function(){ alert("a"); } } function b(){ alert(a.call(this)); } var c=new b(); c.aa();


var obj = {name:"Tom", age:18}; console.log(typeof obj.toString()); //string console.log(obj.toString()); //"[object Object]"


var oP = Object.prototype, toString = oP.toString;

console.log(toString.call([123]));//[object Array] console.log(toString.call('123'));//[object String] console.log(toString.call({a: '123'}));//[object Object] console.log(toString.call(/123/));//[object RegExp] console.log(toString.call(123));//[object Number] console.log(toString.call(undefined));//[object Undefined] console.log(toString.call(null));//[object Null]

标准浏览器中完美的作到,但是(为什么要说但是呢)IE6中,却会出现以下问题: 通过Object.prototype.toString.call获取的 字符串,undefined,null均为Object


var oP = Object.prototype, toString = oP.toString;

function typeOf(value) { if (null === value) { return 'null'; }

var type = typeof value; if ('undefined' === type || 'string' === type) { return type; }

var typeString = toString.call(value); switch (typeString) { case '[object Array]': return 'array'; case '[object Date]': return 'date'; case '[object Boolean]': return 'boolean'; case '[object Number]': return 'number'; case '[object Function]': return 'function'; case '[object RegExp]': return 'regexp'; case '[object Object]': if (undefined !== value.nodeType) { if (3 == value.nodeType) { return (/\S/).test(value.nodeValue) ? 'textnode': 'whitespace'; } else { return 'element'; } } else { return 'object'; } default: return 'unknow'; } }

参考文档: 1. https://segmentfault.com/n/1330000004202636 2. http://openxtiger.iteye.com/blog/1893378 3. http://my.oschina.net/sfm/blog/33197


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